Water Quality Info for HC MUD 264 Residents and Customers

Harris County MUD 264, as the provider of water for Westcreek Village, is responsible for and focused on providing safe drinking water to our residents and customers. This article outlines the ongoing activities that are designed to ensure that our drinking water is safe at all times.

Three governmental agencies oversee water quality. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets national standards, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) creates state rules, in Harris County, the Harris County Pollution Control (HCPC) provides local regulations.

Harris County MUD 264 contracts with Inframark to operate our water plant and deliver clean, quality drinking water throughout the district. Inframark’s operators are trained and licensed by TCEQ.  Water quality testing is performed by a third-party laboratory that is also licensed by TCEQ.


TCEQ prescribes a range of testing that is required to ensure water quality and safety.

Some parameters, such as chlorine residual, are tested daily by the operator. By taking daily measurements throughout the system, operators ensure the water is safe and palatable, and can also take proactive measures to address possible issues before they become problems.

Other parameters are tested by independent testing laboratories that collect the samples, run the analysis, and report results to TCEQ, Inframark and to HC MUD 264. The independent testing laboratories are licensed and regulated by TCEQ. This process ensures reporting integrity and – most importantly – consistent quality of the water delivered to you.


As noted above, Inframark monitors chlorine residual levels throughout the district daily and is authorized to take action as necessary to keep these levels within regulatory guidelines. Results from third party labs are likewise reviewed and acted upon as needed.

Additionally, Harris County MUD 264 Directors review the results of the latest tests at the monthly board meeting.


The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is assembled annually. This detailed report provides results of all testing as well definitions, abbreviations and other information a consumer may want to know; it is a snapshot of what is in our water. This report indicates whether the system is compliant or non-compliant with regulatory standards. It provides average sampling levels, minimum and maximum detectable levels and the sources of these chemicals. The CCR is published on the Harris County MUD 264 website.


This article is intended to provide a high-level discussion of testing and monitoring that occurs continuously to ensure quality water. For more detailed information, see: