Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate – October 16, 2024

Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 264 will be conducting a public hearing on the proposed tax rate for the tax year 2024. This important event will take place on October 16, 2024, at 5:00 PM. The hearing will be held at 3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2400, Houston, Texas 77027.

Tax Rate Analysis

The proposed tax rate for the upcoming year remains unchanged at $0.368900 per $100 of property value.

However, due to increases in property values, homeowners might see an actual increase in the taxes paid. For instance, the average appraised value of a residence homestead in this district has risen from $293,225 last year to $316,932 this year.

This change translates to an increase of about 8.08% in the tax amount, resulting in an additional $87.45 on the average residence homestead.

It is important for property owners to understand how their taxes might be affected and participate in the decision-making process. The members for the proposal of this tax rate are Charles Brandman, Donnice Hoffman, Jose Nava, Patty Rodriguez, and Russell Appelget. No votes against the proposal were recorded.

For more detailed information about how these tax changes might affect you, and to see a more detailed comparison of this year’s tax implications versus last year’s, please refer to the full document provided by the district.

To learn more about your specific property taxes or to find more resources on the proposed tax rates, please visit, which provides access to the local property tax database and information on scheduled public hearings.

This hearing is a key opportunity for residents to voice their opinions on local tax issues. Make sure to mark your calendars and be involved in shaping the community’s fiscal policies.

Harris County MUD 264 Confirms No Lead Service Lines in Water System: Lead & Copper Inventory Completed

Harris County MUD 264 has completed the Lead & Copper Inventory as required by the EPA.

Through records research and field investigation of the distribution system, it has been determined that the system has no lead service lines or galvanized requiring replacement service lines. The system has been determined as a non-lead community.

If you would like a copy of the Lead & Copper Inventory, please submit your request to